*UPDATE* - So... I finally got round to moving all the links here from zippyshare to mediafire as I got sick of the links expiring and even though I considered deleting the post altogether all messing round with the links over the 3 or 4 times I've updated this post was so time consuming and because I love his work I decided Wino deserved a permanent home here! I have removed the Shrinebuilder stuff and will NOT be re-upping it so don't ask as it's on Neurot Recordings and those guys are fucking Jedi's at finding links to their releases and will shut you down quick as fuck (There's a small hint as to who killed my 4shared account!!!) I have added some new stuff (Place Of Skulls and Mystick Crewe Of Clearlight) and edited the blurb so here you go for the 4th and final version a near as damn it discography of Scott "Wino" Weinrich Read On and Enjoy
I am a huge fan Of Saint Vitus and mainly because I am an absolute sucker for the voice and music of the legend that is Scott "Wino" Weinrich (pictured above), This man is to me the Lemmy Kilmister of the underground and his influence is no less important! There are now 4 things that will survive nuclear war Cockroaches, Twinkies, Lemmy and WINO!!!!
Having been making fucking awesome music with many GREAT bands over the years going back as far as the late 70's which gives him a staggering near 35 year career playing some of the mightiest metal to ever grace this earth! Having played in LEGENDARY bands such as The Obsessed, Saint Vitus, Spirit Caravan, The Hidden Hand and more recently a solo album, Premonition 13 and as 1/4 of Doom supergroup Shrinebuilder with Scott Kelly of Neurosis, Al Cicernos of OM/Sleep & Dale Crover of Melvins, The mans musical CV is just untouchable! So I figured a retrospective of his work was long overdue on here!
So what you're getting here is near as damn it if not complete Discographies of....
The Obsessed
The Hidden Hand
Spirit Caravan
Plus some other choice Wino bands such as the Premonition 13 album his solo album, Place Of Skulls & A Guest Appearance with The Mystick Krewe Of Clearlight !
There is TOO much stuff to go into BIG individual descriptions on every band he has been in, if you know Wino then fill your boots if you don't know Wino then i suggest you start with the recent post I did on Saint Vitus (HERE) and continue from there So lets get started....
The Obsessed : Wino's first band and where Saint Vitus nicked him from Formed in Maryland USA they released a stunning debut 7" in 1983 that is long out of print broke up when Wino jumped ship to Saint Vitus then reformed The Obsessed when he quit Vitus with a new line up in 1990 they then broke up again 1994 after a fairly disastrous spell with a major label. Compilation album "Incarnate" contains the mentioned 7" plus a bunch of rare and unreleased tracks spanning their career NOTE I have changed the running order of "Incarnate" to make it chronological ok? Also here are their 4 albums go get em (for a more detailed look at their discography and a band history go HERE )
Incarnate Comp - Mediafire
The Obsessed (1990) - Mediafire
Lunar Womb (1991) - Mediafire
The Church Within (1994) - Mediafire
Spirit Caravan : So never one to stand still here's Wino's next band, taking their name from an Obsessed song which the also re-recorded on Sp[irit Caravan's 2nd album "Elusive Truth" this pretty much takes over where The Obsessed left off, heavy, groovy, stoner, fronted and written by the guy who helped invent the genre what more is there to say? First album "Jug Fulla Sun" is a personal favorite every song is a killer however all the stuff they released is pretty great but i find 2nd album "Elusive Truth" to be a little slick compared to "Jug..."! You have both albums here as well as the rare "So Mortal Be" 7" the "Dreamwheel" 10"/CDEP and also the 8 alternate versions/demos unreleased tracks from their double compilation/retrospective CD "The Last Embrace" thats all the Spirit Caravan There Is... (If you want to know more about their discography/members etc go HERE )
Jug Fulla Sun - Mediafire
Dreamwheel EP - Mediafire
Elusive Truth - Mediafire
So Mortal Be 7" - Mediafire
The Last Embrace - Mediafire
The Hidden Hand : Wino's band from 2004 - 2007 and probably the heaviest band he's done they released 3 albums and a couple of EP's and were an utter juggernaut of a band, there's no "better" or "best" for me out of the bands Wino's been in but i do love all of the Hidden Hand stuff maybe a bit more contemporary and less retro than previous projects and heavy as shit this is another Wino triumph! (Go HERE for more info on the band and releases)
Divine Propaganda (2004) - Mediafire
Mother Teacher Destroyer (2004) - Mediafire
Split EP W/ Wooly Mammoth (2004) - Mediafire
Devoid Of Color EP (2005) - Mediafire
The Resurrection of Whiskey Foote (2007) - Mediafire
So that's the discographies out the way here's the (so far) one offs and his most recent work
Mystick Crewe Of Clearlight - A bit of an unknown band having only released one album and one split CD with Acid King on Mans Ruin records bopth in 2000 it was rumored that Wino was actually in this band he was in fact not. these two tracks from the Split EP with Acid King are great groovy stoner with some brilliant organ work and Wino guests on the first of 2 songs here "Buzzard Hill (My Backyard)" I've given you both songs here as even though Wino only sings on one they are both great! and i strongly recommend if you like these to seek out their great self titled album even if it doesn't have Wino on it!
Place Of Skulls In the short period between Spirit Caravan Breaking up and the formation Of The Hidden Hand in 2003 Wino provided guitar,vocals and wrote some music in Place Of Skulls the band of one Victor Griffin (ex - Pentagram) I have no idea why his tenure with Place Of Skulls only lasted for one album 2003's "With Vision" perhaps there wasn't room for two stoner kings in one band I don't know but if you are a fan of the work of either Wino or Pentagram you will most definitely like this album a LOT again this is great stoner rock of the highest quality!
WINO - Punctuated Equilibrium his debut solo album and not a million miles away from everything he's ever done, it's Wino it does what it says on the tin i.e. retro stoner of the highest quality this is the full version with the 4 track bonus EP not just the 10 track CD version! both the album and bonus EP are 320KBPS but the bonus EP appears to be a vinyl rip and very quiet the quality is good tho you just need to turn up the volume!
Premonition 13 I know nothing about this band except that it would appear to be/have been Wino's latest band before he rejoined Saint Vitus this album "13" is from 2011 and is their only album so far you get more high quality Wino stoner but more akin to the heavier Hidden Hand stuff than say the more retro 70's vibe of Spirit Caravan.
Mystick Crewe Of Clearlight tracks from Split CD W/ Acid King - Mediafire
Place Of Skulls - "With Vision" - Mediafire
Wino solo album - Mediafire
Premonition 13 - Mediafire
SO That's your lot I'm sorry for the lack of my usual intensive blurbs but seeing as how I've uploaded you 17 albums of sheer WINO goodness here I hope you will forgive my sparse descriptions I am hoping that readers of this blog would be familiar with the man and his work but if not well here it is in all it's glory a near as damn it complete history of the Music of Scott "Wino" Weinrich a more impeccable back catalogue you'll be hard pressed to find 20 albums of all killer no filler no frills no bullshit BALLS OUT FUCKING ROCK.
That is all! The files range from 192KBPS lowest to 320KBPS CD rips from my own CD's but it's all good quality otherwise i would've omitted it from the post. Enjoy!
Thanks man. It's an awesome journey...
ReplyDeleteHey anonymous yeah it is indeed the man deserves more credit! Thanks for the comment,
Dave B.
Thank you
ReplyDeleteyou are welcome and thank you for taking a few seconds to say thanks it's appreciated and encouraging.
Dave B.
thank you man forever
ReplyDeletethank you maaang! can you upload moar stoner/doom plz
ReplyDeleteHi anonymous glad you like the post yeah I am slacking on the blog a bit these days but yeah there will definitely be more stoner/doom soon while you are waiting why not check out Swordwielder, Across Tundras, Henge, Sigirya, Thorr-Axe, Iron Witch, Pentagram, Virulence, Mountain Of Judgement, Lord By Fire, 13,The Kabinboy .all great doom/stoner/sludgy stuff and all right here on this blog Thanks for commenting,
Dave B.
Please leave the password T_T
ReplyDeletethere is no password for any of my links are you having a problem getting any of them?
Dave B.
ReplyDeleteWelcome :-)
Dave B.
Thank you for sharing. What about Wino & Conny Ochs? Can you upload Heavy Kingdom? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteElselfdreams, sorry but i'm not into the acoustic stuff he's doing now this post is just for the heavy stuff, sorry about that but thanks for commenting,
Dave B.
thanks, was looking for the Spirit Caravan discog and found exactly that!
ReplyDeleteYeah this has been a popular post, the spirit caravan stuff is pretty good tho "Jug Fulla Sun" is pretty much all you need :-) Thanknks for commenting,
Dave B.
Great dude, Greetings from Argentina!
ReplyDeletethanks. fyi mystic krewe contained members of eyehategod
ReplyDeleteCheers, I didn't know that,
DeleteDave B.
Insane indeed! Thank you
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome enjoy!
Deletethanks man
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome cheers for swinging by!
DeleteThank you so much for all of this! I can't even count how many times i've come here to redownload stuff after one device or another crapped out. Again, thanks so much for all of this!
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome I know the pain of devices fucking up I have lost my ENTIRE music collection 5 times to date through malfunctioning hard drives! Thanks for commenting,
Dave B.
Smoke Weed Everyday!
ReplyDeleteA huge thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot!
ReplyDeleteDude, this is amazing; Wino is amazing !
ReplyDeleteThank you for all of this.
so much thanks to you ive been drawn to WINO because of you..brilliant stoner rock!
ReplyDeleteThanks from brazil!!
ReplyDeleteThanx a lot!
ReplyDeleteSpirit caravang, thanks men!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot, I came here for a quick Hidden Hand fix at work, lovely you have those. Seeing that band back in '02 or so was my introduction to Wino, been a fan since! The Hidden Hand were special. and as it is 2019 when I type this, there may be some updating to do ;-) For instance the stuff Wino did with the German folk-singer Conny Ochs is pretty different of course. And where's Shrinebuilder????
ReplyDeleteThanks my friend, great job. I love all the stuff Wino has done so far. Hope he stays away from drugs now.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the hard work. Wino is definitely under the radar good. I discovered him years ago with The Church Within. I used to spin his stuff on my old online radio show.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewent looking fore The Hidden Hand Stuff in particular and found this....unfknblvabl :)
ReplyDeleteTHank you. I saw Wino yesterday and I kissed him for what he gave to the world and to me
ReplyDeleteAwesome collection. Many thanx. I used to own most of all of these but sold them at high prices on eBay as I needed cash for gear. My Jug Fulla Sun CD sold for like $70. Glad to find them again here. The Church Within was my first exposure to Wino. Amazing stuff and so in-your-face heavy. I grew up in Maryland not too far from Wino's stomping grounds. I am buying Wino recommended gear now to release my own Stoner Rock CD soon. I can do axe, bass any synths but my drumming blows. LOL! Been listening to "Fang" from JFSun for 3 days straight -- love that screaming axe...